Wit & Wisdom: The Many Facets of Benjamin Franklin
Wednesday, April 23, 7-8:30pm, Kimball Theatre, Colonial Williamsburg
$30 per person
All seats are general admission
Join America’s most versatile Founding Father for a delightful evening of humor, insight, and inspiration as Benjamin Franklin comes to life to share his timeless wit and practical wisdom. Drawing on his remarkable life as a statesman, inventor, author, and philosopher, Franklin will entertain with anecdotes, proverbs, and reflections that reveal the character and intellect of one of history’s greatest polymaths. Whether recounting tales from his days as a printer’s apprentice or offering sage advice from Poor Richard’s Almanack, Franklin’s humor and insight continue to resonate in our modern world. A Q&A session with Mr. Franklin will follow. Presented in collaboration with The Williamsburg Institute (TWI), proceeds from this fundraising event benefit TWI and the Osher Institute at William & Mary.
- You need an Account to purchase seats. During check out, you will be prompted to ‘Sign In’ (returning patrons or Osher member) or ‘Create Account’ (new patrons)
- There are no paper tickets. Save your purchase receipt (sent via email). Bring this receipt with you to the event
- Purchase is nonrefundable
- Doors open at 6:45 pm. Arrive together with your party. Check in at the door by presenting your emailed purchase receipt
- Misplaced your email confirmation? Return to LearnAtOsher.wm.edu. Sign in. Click ‘Account.’ Click ‘Class List’
- Questions? Email osher@wm.edu or call us at 757-221-1506